This link takes you to the advert for a pink glue by Pritt stick. The advert straight away says 'just for girls'. The words are written in a pink bubble with yellow flowers surrounding it. This is stereotyping typical traits girls are supposed to like. the add then goes on to say 'Because it's just for girls, it's pink' again this is pushing that girls must love all these stereotypical qualities. The use of the adjective 'Just' implies that no one can use it except girls, representing girls as different to boys. This can relate to John Gray's book Men are from Mars, women are from Venus which discusses how different men and women are.
'It's perfect for making cards, posters and scrapbooks.' This implies that these are all activities girls do. The glue has no traits different from the gender neutral, white, original Pritt stick besides being pink and therefore this makes it for girls in the eyes of the company.
This video shows all the negative connotations there are around women and how they act.When a female word has a negative connotation its called semantic derogation. This video shows just how women can be labelled with such negative words when their actions are no different to men. Although the video is overall trying to give a positive message it does reflect how negativity women are seen in society. Lakoff believes that women's language is deficient and men's language is the norm. This negative look on women is what the video is trying to stop.
This advert was made by Bic for women day. The advert caused a lot of upset as it seems to create an image of men being smarter than women. 'think like a man' was the part of the picture that caused the most upset as it implies that women's thoughts are deficient. This relates to the deficit theory by Lakoff. The advert was originally made to celebrate women but it seems to empower men more. The women in the picture is wearing a shirt and blazer which is typically what a man would wear. Although the graphology of the text is not stereotyping women it comes across as boring and does not seem empowering.
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