Saturday, 26 September 2015

Our language is changing

In our modern world we see a lot of changes everyday. One aspect of our lives that is changing rather rapidly is our language. The younger generation are developing a whole new language that older people struggle to understand. The main reasons for the change in the way young people speak is due to texting/typing. Older generations are often unaware of these new words and their meanings leaving a gap between younger and older people.

Abbreviated words are used more now than ever. Words such as "bae" meaning 'babe' or 'before anyone else' and "swag" which is used to describe someones style, are part of young peoples everyday vocabulary. The words are often used by teenagers and people even younger when talking to their peers. However words such as "lol" have diffused into the older generation. Many adults now use this term when texting and using it with the meaning 'lots of love' rather than its original meaning 'laugh out loud'. 

Now more people use emoticons to talk to others online rather than actually typing. Emojis are the new craze for young people. They are essentially a range of small pictures from smiley faces to animal's. People can send these on their own or accompanying a message. They are used to share your emotions with the other person most of the time.

The word "like" is used in almost every sentence some teenagers say. "Like" is young peoples "um".The word has become a filler, purely filling in pauses where the person has to think what to say

The way people speak majorly depends on how they text. Text talk can often be used sarcastically when spoken. A lot of teenagers don't actually use these slang terms in a serious manner. Adding numbers into their texts e.g. "gr8" and "m8" are often used sarcastically or in a joking manner.


Last accessed: 26/09/15

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