Friday 6 January 2017

articles on language change
The first article is about the change of the definition of literally. The original meaning of the word was that something was in a literal manner and exact. However in recent years the word has changed meaning it now is used as emphasis or to express strong feeling. The articles quite negative to language change. We can see this is in the title in the words 'broken the English language.' It straight away makes the reader think that we have have made the English language worse.

In the second article they discuss emoji us in our modern language. They say that the emoji relates to the use of drawings used as a messages in caveman days. The article talks about parents/adults being left behind with language however it does  to say that this is a negative thing. This article opens with the  acronym of ICYMI meaning In case you missed it. By using this in the title whilst it may be for comedic affect it may also be because the writer is supportive of the language change.

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