Tuesday 8 September 2015

Favourite and least favourite words

In our recent English lesson we learnt about how people like and dislike different words. We each decided which were our favourite and least favourite words. We then shared these with each other and placed the words shared in different groups. The groups ranged from foods, taboo words, misused words and adjectives.
I found that words that are misused are majorly disliked. Three examples of the words misused are, "literally", "like" and "sweat". There was only one misused word that someone liked and that was "mint". I believe misused words are disliked a lot because people find it frustrating when they are used in the wrong context and not the words themselves.
There were six taboo words and four of them were disliked. The words "cl**ge" and "b****nd" were both liked. This was because of the sound of the words rather than the meanings.
In the group of words that are names of food there was only one liked out of the six. This word was "honey". I believe this was liked as its a soft word and it can be used as an affectionate term as well as the food. Disliked words were "sprout", "gravy" and "asparagus". I believe a lot of these words were disliked because the person didn't like the food and therefore had ill feeling towards the word.
Finally, adjectives was the group with the most liked words in it. Some of these words included were "amazing", "lush", "naive" and others. I believe these words were liked because of the way they sounded and not necessarily their meanings. The two disliked words in this category were "peng" and "moist". I think these words were disliked because of how they sound rather than their meanings.

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