Friday, 24 March 2017

American English vs British English

US vs UK 
Vacation vs Holiday
Jelly vs Jam
Hood vs Bonnet
Trunk vs Boot
Apartment vs Flats
Sneakers vs trainers

Queens English
oxford English
BBC English

Collective nouns 
American English, collective nouns are singular e.g. staff refers to a group but In British English collective nouns can be singular or plural e.g. the team are playing tonight

Past tense verbs 
Americans tend to use the (-ed) ending. British English tend to use (-t) ending

UK vs US
Odour vs Odor
Colour vs Color
Centre vs Center
Litre vs Liter
Flavour vs Flavor
Humour vs Humor
Analyse vs Analyze
Paralyse vs Paralyze
Traveller vs Traveler
Defence vs Defense

In 1776 Americans and British people had very similar accents, they had not yet diverged. The British accent has changed drastically but the American accent has only changed subtly. The accent  was largely rhotic. Around the time of the American  revolution the non rhotic R became prevelant in upper class English